Musing on a winter day

I am not free,

Tethered to my fear, constrained by circumstance…

Musings in my head, lovely, lovely…

Sometimes it’s the memory of the sweet smell of your pussy…..

I scream.

Possible outcomes change daily,

hourly…fuck the past… fuck my thoughts

They creep in just as I get a handle on things.

I am a hypocrite….

Look in the mirror and I see the artist always pounding with her fists…

Have to get it out….feels so much better when it’s out of my head.

This is simply who I am…

Only I can find peace in a storm.

I know in my deepest heart, thoughts….who I am.

That sensitive little girl is smiling at me…

“Why so complicated?” she asks

“Why so serious?…..Time to play”.

What the hell do I think will happen if I just open my arms and let it all in?

All of it!

Feel Like a mutant teenager from some TV show…

Afraid of what happens if I let all my power out.

That would be so cool!