Super Power

As long as I can remember, my sexual energy defined me.

It was my super power.

What if my life had been different.

What if I came from a loving functional home where praising your children…

loving them…listening to them was my parents super power.

What kind of person would I be now?

I have no doubt that my path would have had more direction and purpose and

love. That my sexuality would not have been my most defining characteristic.

That flatulating myself wouldn’t have been the norm.

My other super power has always been my imagination. I live in a bubble of what if’s.

I have had many lovers but only a few that could live there with me.

What if, I could have lived there all my life and not when I was just intimate?

What would that look like?

Able to share myself easily, to love easily, to take what I write and make it real.

Is that not a purpose?

What if I truly opened my heart?

Would I shine so bright that I would blind?

When I make love, I share every inch of my soul. I feel your heart beat under my tongue

and my hands.

What if I was able to bare that part of myself to you in a room, face to face with confidence..

with loving power?

Now that would be something, would’nt it?

What if my super power had a cape!